With the emergence of multilateral investment agreements and the availability of investment opportunities in the Real Estate sector, the construction industry has also boomed in UAE. Al Jazeera Advocates offers a steady legal bridge in between the laws, policies, investors and the developers in UAE.We provide a significant level of legal specialism to the engineering and construction sector, by offering a comprehensive advice service for both procurement and resolving disputes. We boast vast experience in handling construction projects and related matters and our advice is tailored to meet the Client’s commercial needs, which are always paramount.
Our deep understanding of the industry in UAE enable us to advise on all construction related legal needs throughout all sectors of the construction industry inclusive of contentious and non-contentious matters. We assist in all aspects of construction and infrastructure law, acting for employers, contractors, sub-contractors , facility managers, developers, consultants and other industry participant -on all aspects of contract interpretation and procedures during the course of projects, and provide analysis and representation to our clients’ in the important interfaces that routinely occur between the participants in operations on site.